研究发现,空气污染和极端热能与较长的怀孕期有关,对健康构成危险。 Study finds air pollution and extreme heat link to longer pregnancies, posing health risks.
科廷大学的一项研究将空气污染和极端温度的较高暴露与长期怀孕联系起来,对西澳大利亚近400 000例分娩进行了分析。 A Curtin University study links higher exposure to air pollution and extreme temperatures to prolonged pregnancies, analyzing nearly 400,000 births in Western Australia. 长时间怀孕可能导致严重的健康风险,包括死产和分娩并发症。 Prolonged pregnancies can lead to serious health risks, including stillbirth and birth complications. 由于气候变化加剧了空气质量和极端天气,研究人员提出政策建议,以减轻孕妇及其婴儿的这些健康风险。 As climate change exacerbates air quality and extreme weather, researchers recommend policies to mitigate these health risks for pregnant women and their babies.