在几内亚,足球迷之间的暴力冲突导致数十人死伤。 Dozens killed and injured in Guinea after violent clashes between football fans lead to stampede.
在几内亚N'Zerekore, 足球迷在一场“Mamadi Doumbouya将军”奖杯比赛中发生暴力冲突, 数十人死伤。 Dozens were killed and injured in N'Zerekore, Guinea, after a violent clash between football fans during a match for the "General Mamadi Doumbouya" trophy. 暴力事件爆发后, 争议的惩罚授予N'Zerekore, 这激怒了Labe的粉丝. The violence erupted following a disputed penalty awarded to N'Zerekore, which angered Labe's fans. 安全部队使用催泪瓦斯,导致一场混乱的暴动。 Security forces used tear gas, leading to a chaotic stampede. 几内亚总理呼吁保持平静,并正在采取有保证的措施恢复秩序和援助受伤者。 Guinea's Prime Minister called for calm and assured measures were being taken to restore order and aid the injured.