19岁死于据称警察骑摩托车撞车事件后, 意大利各地爆发抗议活动。 Protests erupt across Italy after 19-year-old dies in alleged police moped ramming incident.
19岁的Ramy Elgaml在警方追逐中死亡后, 意大利各地爆发抗议活动。 Protests have erupted across Italy following the death of 19-year-old Ramy Elgaml during a police chase. 这起最初被视为意外的事件, 获得了新的检查, 显示警方可能撞了Elgaml的摩托车。 The incident, initially seen as an accident, has gained new scrutiny suggesting police may have rammed Elgaml's moped. 包括暴力示威在内的动乱已蔓延至罗马和米兰等城市。 The unrest, including violent demonstrations, has spread to cities like Rome and Milan. 当局谴责暴力,调查仍在进行中。 Authorities condemn the violence, and investigations are ongoing. Elgaml的家庭呼吁团结与和平。 Elgaml's family calls for unity and peace.