亚行及其合作伙伴在孟加拉国资助了一座24.3M美元的太阳能发电厂,以推广可再生能源和减少排放。 ADB and partners fund a $24.3M solar plant in Bangladesh to boost renewable energy and reduce emissions.
亚洲开发银行(亚行)为孟加拉国的20兆瓦太阳能发电厂签署了一项2 430万美元的融资协议。 The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has signed a $24.3 million financing deal for a 20 MW solar power plant in Bangladesh. 该项目由Joules Power Limited的子公司Muktagacha太阳能技术能源有限公司(MSEL)牵头,每年发电37.9千兆瓦时,防止18 344吨二氧化碳排放。 The project, led by Muktagacha Solartech Energy Limited (MSEL), a subsidiary of Joules Power Limited, will generate 37.9 gigawatt-hours of electricity annually and prevent 18,344 tons of carbon dioxide emissions. 融资包括亚行提供的1 550万美元的贷款和LEAP 2的880万美元的贷款。 The financing includes a $15.5 million loan from ADB and an $8.8 million loan from LEAP 2. 该项目旨在推动孟加拉国的可再生能源,促进私营部门参与可持续能源解决方案。 This project aims to boost renewable energy in Bangladesh and promote private sector involvement in sustainable energy solutions.