亚行向斯里兰卡贷款150万斯里兰卡元,以提升电网,支持可再生能源一体化。 ADB loans Sri Lanka $150M to boost electricity grid, supporting renewable energy integration.
亚洲开发银行(亚行)与斯里兰卡锡兰电力委员会(CEB)签署了一项1.5亿美元的贷款协议,为输电项目提供资金。 The Asian Development Bank (ADB) signed a $150 million loan agreement with Sri Lanka's Ceylon Electricity Board (CEB) to fund transmission projects. 该贷款于2024年11月核准,将用于支持建造6个新的电网分站,87公里为132千伏输电线路,45公里为220千伏输电线路。 The loan, approved in November 2024, will support the construction of six new grid substations, 87 km of 132 kV transmission lines, and 45 km of 220 kV transmission lines. 它将提高电网可靠性,并支持将可再生能源项目纳入国家电网。 It will enhance grid reliability and support the integration of renewable energy projects into the national grid.