亚行将每年向孟加拉国提供10亿美元,为期五年,以提高气候抗御能力和可持续性。 ADB to provide Bangladesh $1 billion yearly for five years to boost climate resilience and sustainability.
亚洲开发银行(亚行)将在今后五年每年向孟加拉国提供10亿美元,用于加强气候抗御能力和环境可持续性。 The Asian Development Bank (ADB) will provide Bangladesh with $1 billion annually for the next five years to enhance climate resilience and environmental sustainability. 这笔资金由亚洲开发银行国家主任Hoe Yun Jeong宣布,将支持河流恢复项目,并解决废物管理和水涝等问题。 This funding, announced by ADB Country Director Hoe Yun Jeong, will support river restoration projects and address issues like waste management and waterlogging. 亚行还旨在增加社区参与这些倡议。 The ADB also aims to increase community involvement in these initiatives.