关于大苏德伯里环境恢复努力的 北科学首映纪录片 Science North premieres documentary on Greater Sudbury's environmental recovery efforts.
北科学已揭幕一部纪录片“规划希望:一个重新绿化的故事”, 强调曾经被污染的Greater Sudbury地区向蓬勃发展的地区的转型。 Science North has unveiled a documentary, "Planting Hope: A Regreening Story," highlighting the transformation of Greater Sudbury, a once-polluted area, into a thriving region. 这部影片展示了社区团体、教育机构、地方政府、私营公司和土著顾问在扭转采矿和工业活动造成的环境破坏方面的协作努力。 The film showcases the collaborative efforts of community groups, educational institutions, local governments, private companies, and Indigenous advisors in reversing environmental damage caused by mining and industrial activities. 该纪录片可供在动态地球举行的公众放映。 The documentary is available for public screenings at Dynamic Earth.