2022年苏德伯里矿业会议突显了城市在全球采矿的重要性,吸引了外国公司扩张。 2022 Sudbury mining conference highlights city's global mining importance, attracts foreign companies for expansion.
在加拿大苏德伯里举行的年度采矿会议展示了该城市在全球采矿部门的重要性。 The annual mining conference in Sudbury, Canada, showcased the city's importance in the global mining sector. Paul Lefebvre市长和城市官员与工业领导人和潜在投资者接触,许多外国公司表示有兴趣扩大该区域的业务。 Mayor Paul Lefebvre and city officials engaged with industry leaders and potential investors, with many foreign companies expressing interest in expanding operations in the region. 宣布了与RufDiamond和MacLean工程公司一样的显著伙伴关系,加强了Sudbury对经济增长的承诺,并将其定位为关键的采矿中心。 Notable partnerships, like that between RufDiamond and MacLean Engineering, were announced, reinforcing Sudbury's commitment to economic growth and positioning it as a key mining hub.