9 月 4 日,Science North 为 50+ 岁的成年人举办了一场“超越气候”IMAX 放映,其中包括 David Suzuki 的解说和 Leigha Benford 的气候历史讨论。 On September 4, Science North hosts a "Beyond Climate" IMAX screening for adults aged 50+, featuring David Suzuki's narration and a climate history discussion by Leigha Benford.
9 月 4 日,加拿大北方科学大会将为 50 岁及以上的与会者举办一场特别的 IMAX 放映《超越气候》。 On September 4, Science North in Canada will host a special IMAX screening of "Beyond Climate" for attendees aged 50 and older. 该活动是 Cinema Social 系列的一部分,由 David Suzuki 担任旁白,由 reThink Green 的 Leigha Benford 对气候变化历史进行讨论。 The event, part of the Cinema Social series, features narration by David Suzuki and a discussion on climate change history by Leigha Benford from reThink Green. 上午9时至10时,参加者将享有独家参观北科学的特权,还有零食、咖啡和茶叶,促进社交和在放松的气氛中学习。 Participants will enjoy exclusive access to explore Science North from 9 to 10 a.m., along with snacks, coffee, and tea, promoting socialization and learning in a relaxed atmosphere.