研究表明,烹饪、供暖和工业造成印度PM2.5污染的60%,化石燃料造成80%。 Studies show cooking, heating, and industries cause 60% of India's PM2.5 pollution, with fossil fuels responsible for 80%.
MDPI的“Air”杂志最近的一项研究表明,住宅烹饪、取暖、发电和工业造成高达60%的印度PM2.5污染,其中80%来自化石燃料。 A recent study in MDPI's "Air" journal shows that residential cooking, heating, power generation, and industries cause up to 60% of India's PM2.5 pollution, with 80% from fossil fuels. 研究报告建议将印度划分为15个分房,以改善邦一级的协调。 The study recommends dividing India into 15 airsheds to improve state-level coordination. 印地安地平原污染最严重,而沿海和城市地区的工业和运输部门的污染日益严重。 The Indo-Gangetic Plains are the most polluted, while coastal and urban areas show increasing pollution from industrial and transport sectors.