325 多名南非传统治疗师将接受艾滋病毒检测和减少歧视方面的培训。 325+ South African traditional healers to be trained for HIV testing and stigma reduction.
南非超过 325 名传统治疗师将接受培训,进行艾滋病毒检测并向患者普及艾滋病知识,这是该国已知的规模最大的让传统治疗师参与公共卫生目标的努力。 325+ traditional healers in South Africa will be trained to do HIV tests and educate patients about the disease, in the largest known effort in the country to involve traditional healers in a public health goal. 该项目旨在帮助减少农村地区对艾滋病毒的歧视,并让更多人了解自己的艾滋病毒状况。 The project aims to help reduce the stigma surrounding HIV in rural areas and increase the number of people who know their status. 研究人员将比较治疗师和诊所的艾滋病毒检测率。 Researchers will compare HIV testing rates by healers and clinics.