前Tesco首席执行官计划用摩洛哥可再生能源用大型海底电缆给英国家庭供电。 Former Tesco CEO plans massive subsea cable to power UK homes with Moroccan renewable energy.
前Tesco首席执行官Dave Lewis爵士计划建造一条4 000公里的海底电缆,将摩洛哥的可再生能源设施与联合王国连接起来。 Former Tesco CEO Sir Dave Lewis plans to build a 4,000-kilometer subsea power cable connecting Morocco's renewable energy facilities to the UK. 该项目旨在到2030年提供多达8%的英国电力,可能为900多万户家庭供电。 This project aims to supply up to 8% of Britain's electricity by 2030, potentially powering over 9 million homes. 该倡议涉及摩洛哥坦坦省的风力和太阳能农场,并获得了全能和八爪能源等主要投资者的支持。 The initiative involves wind and solar farms in Morocco's Tantan province and has garnered support from major investors like TotalEnergies and Octopus Energy.