比利时公司和希腊公司签署协议,为法国漂浮风力农场提供电缆,协助实现可再生能源目标。 Belgian and Greek firms sign deal to supply cables for French floating wind farms, aiding renewable energy goals.
比利时公司Jan De Nul和希腊电缆制造商希腊电缆公司与法国电网运营商RTE签署了一项协议,为布列塔尼岸外的两个750兆瓦浮风农场供应和安装电缆。 Belgian company Jan De Nul and Greek cable maker Hellenic Cables have signed a deal with French grid operator RTE to supply and install cables for two 750 MW floating wind farms off Brittany. 该项目包括设计、制造和安装三套225千伏海底电缆系统,覆盖150公里和240公里的岸上电缆。 The project includes designing, manufacturing, and installing three 225 kV submarine cable systems spanning 150 kilometers and 240 kilometers of onshore cables. 这项工作定于2025-2026年完成,它支持法国的可再生能源目标。 The work, set for completion in 2025-2026, supports France's renewable energy goals.