演员丹尼斯・海斯伯特将讲述塔伯纳克合唱团 在盐湖城的圣诞音乐会 Actor Dennis Haysbert will narrate the Tabernacle Choir's Christmas concerts in Salt Lake City.
演员丹尼斯·海斯伯特 (Dennis Haysbert) 将于 12 月 19 日至 21 日在盐湖城圣殿广场 (Temple Square) 的圣诞音乐会上为会幕合唱团和管弦乐队解说。 Actor Dennis Haysbert will narrate the Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square's Christmas concerts on Dec. 19-21 in Salt Lake City. 百老汇明星Ruthie Ann Miles也将表演。 Broadway star Ruthie Ann Miles will also perform. 在分发机票时,从下午6时起将有一个备用线。 While tickets are distributed, a standby line will be available starting at 6 p.m. 这次活动将在PBS和BYUtv上播出,并计划发行一张CD和DVD光盘,播放去年的表演。 The event will air on PBS and BYUtv, with a CD and DVD release of last year's performance planned.