由于本地产量下降,澳大利亚各州可能自2026年起面临天然气短缺。 Australian states may face gas shortages starting 2026 due to declining local production.
澳大利亚维多利亚州和新南威尔士州可能从2026年冬季开始面临临时天然气短缺问题,因为当地天然气产量下降速度快于预期,特别是埃克森美孚巴斯海峡油田的天然气产量下降。 Australian states Victoria and New South Wales may face temporary gas shortages starting winter 2026 due to faster-than-expected declines in local gas production, especially from ExxonMobil's Bass Strait fields. 尽管转而采用电力替代,但过渡速度不够快,无法防止潜在的短缺。 Despite a shift towards electric alternatives, the transition is not quick enough to prevent potential shortfalls. 预计2026年会出现季节性缺口,东海岸天然气市场预计2028年会出现年度赤字。 Seasonal gaps are expected from 2026, with an annual deficit forecast for the east coast gas market from 2028.