Albert Lodge(Albert Lodge)从12月1日至7日举办节庆活动, 与假日孤独抗争, 提供免费出租车回家。 Albert Lodge hosts festive events from Dec 1-7 to combat holiday loneliness, offering free taxi rides home.
Abingdon的Albert Lodge正在主办12月1日至7日的节日活动, Albert Lodge in Abingdon is hosting festive events from December 1st to 7th to help combat loneliness during the holidays. 这些活动包括一个杂乱无章的圣诞节活动、一个圣诞派对和一个家庭友好的下午。 The events include a mulled Christmas event, a Christmas party, and a family-friendly afternoon. 管理小屋的Churchill Living公司将为在活动期间喝酒的游客支付出租车费。 Churchill Living, which manages the lodge, will cover the cost of a taxi home for visitors who enjoy a drink at the events. 鼓励感兴趣的社区成员出席。 Interested community members are encouraged to attend.