Hempton外勤护理之家的居民在节庆中观看圣诞节的灯光和采摘装饰品。 Residents of Hempton Field Care Home enjoyed a festive outing to see Christmas lights and pick decorations.
在牛津郡的亨普顿外勤护理之家, 居民最近享受了一次节庆之旅, 前往Haddenham花园中心观赏圣诞装饰和灯光。 Residents of Hempton Field Care Home in Oxfordshire recently enjoyed a festive trip to Haddenham Garden Centre to view Christmas decorations and lights. 家庭生活丰富计划的一部分,它提供各种活动,外出旨在让居民保持参与和活跃。 Part of the home's life enrichment program, which offers various activities, the outing aimed to keep residents engaged and active. 此次旅行给居民和工作人员带来了欢乐,他们为家里选了新装饰品。 The trip brought joy to both residents and staff, and they picked out new decorations for the home. Jocelyn Walang总经理对这次活动的积极影响表示满意。 General Manager Jocelyn Walang expressed happiness about the positive impact of the event.