一名在伦敦的13岁女孩因刺伤其养母被判处18个月徒刑。 A 13-year-old girl in London is sentenced to 18 months for stabbing her adoptive mother.
伦敦西南部的一名13岁女孩因刺伤其养母被判处18个月的监禁。 A 13-year-old girl in southwest London was sentenced to 18 months in custody for stabbing her adoptive mother. 这名女孩当时12岁,承认故意伤害、威胁杀人和两项故意企图伤害的指控。 The girl, who was 12 at the time, pleaded guilty to wounding with intent, making threats to kill, and two charges of attempted wounding with intent. Judy Khan KC法官表示希望该女孩的过去行为能够得到支持,包括日益增加的威胁和侵略行为。 Judge Judy Khan KC expressed hope that the girl would receive support for her past behavior, which included increasing threats and aggressive actions.