联合王国青少年因谋杀两名女孩而被判处至少52年监禁。 UK teen sentenced to at least 52 years for murdering two girls.
一名联合王国青少年因谋杀两名女孩而被判处至少52年监禁。 A UK teenager has been sentenced to at least 52 years in jail for the murders of two girls. 其身份受到保护的青少年被判定犯有女孩死亡罪,在服完最短刑期之前将没有资格获得假释。 The teen, whose identity is protected, was found guilty of the girls' deaths and will not be eligible for parole until the minimum term is served. 简要报告没有具体说明犯罪细节。 Details of the crime were not specified in the brief reports.