一名14岁女孩在宾夕法尼亚州母亲多次被刺伤后被指控企图杀人。 A 14-year-old girl is charged with attempted homicide after her mother was stabbed multiple times in Pennsylvania.
宾夕法尼亚州Center Township镇的一名14岁女孩据称在星期六晚上的一次家庭纠纷中多次刺伤她41岁的母亲,被控谋杀未遂罪。 A 14-year-old girl in Center Township, Pennsylvania, is charged with attempted homicide after allegedly stabbing her 41-year-old mother multiple times during a domestic dispute on Saturday night. 这名母亲被发现多处刺伤,并被空运到Allegheny总医院,伤势严重。 The mother was found with multiple stab wounds and was flown to Allegheny General Hospital in critical condition. 这名女孩被拘留,并受到印第安纳县缓刑部的起诉。 The girl was taken into custody and charged by the Indiana County Probation Department.