13岁的女孩否认在伦敦对她母亲的谋杀未遂和伤害指控。 13-year-old girl denies attempted murder and wounding charges in London regarding her mother.
伦敦西南Wimbledon的13岁女孩因3月2日发生的一起涉及她47岁母亲的事件,否认企图谋杀和伤害未遂,并故意提出指控。 13-year-old girl denies attempted murder and wounding with intent charges in Wimbledon, south-west London, for an incident involving her 47-year-old mother on March 2. 这名女孩当时12岁,在成人适当支助下,在一次Old Bailey听证会上提出抗辩,自9月9日起将面临为期一周的审判。 The girl, who was 12 at the time, entered her pleas during an Old Bailey hearing with appropriate adult support and will face a one-week trial starting September 9. 由于法律原因,不能透露她的身份,目前她正在地方当局的办公场所。 Due to legal reasons, her identity cannot be disclosed, and she is currently in local authority accommodation.