一名19岁少年因在追逐中撞开一名警官的摩托车而被判处5.5年监禁。 A 19-year-old was sentenced to 5.5 years for ramming a police officer off his motorbike during a chase.
19岁的David Doyle被判处5年半监禁,并被禁止驾驶81个月,因为他在伦敦Camden的高速追逐中撞了一名警官PC Richard Keel的摩托车下车。 A 19-year-old, David Doyle, was sentenced to five-and-a-half years in prison and banned from driving for 81 months after he rammed a police officer, PC Richard Keel, off his motorbike during a high-speed chase in Camden, London. Doyle驾驶一辆偷来的汽车,将车辆倒向Keel多次,严重受伤。 Doyle, driving a stolen car, reversed his vehicle towards Keel multiple times, seriously injuring him. 这一事件凸显了警官面临的危险,每天有18名警官在值勤时遭到袭击。 The incident highlights the dangers faced by police officers, with 18 assaulted daily while on duty.