嫌犯被控于2023年11月底 在不列颠哥伦比亚州里士满 犯罪后 犯下九起破门而入和恶作剧 Suspect charged with nine break-ins and mischief after Richmond, BC, crime spree in late November 2023.
一名27岁的男子Reman Marcos Abayon被指控于2023年11月底在不列颠哥伦比亚省里士满(Reman Marcos Abayon)犯下九起入室盗窃罪和一起在五天犯罪后犯下的恶作剧罪。 A 27-year-old man, Reman Marcos Abayon, has been charged with nine counts of break-ins and one count of mischief after a five-day crime spree in Richmond, BC, in late November 2023. Richmond RCMP财产犯罪股调查了市中心公寓楼的闯入事件。 The Richmond RCMP Property Crime Unit investigated break-ins at apartment buildings in the city center. 警方建议居民在放假期间保障住家安全,避免在社交媒体上分享旅行计划,并遵循安全清单防止财产犯罪。 Police advise residents to secure homes while away for the holidays, avoid sharing travel plans on social media, and follow a safety checklist to prevent property crimes.