Jordan Johnson主厨参赛者在演出期间被诊断为1型糖尿病。 MasterChef contestant Jordan Johnson was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes during the show.
Jordan Johnson, 英国广播公司主厨:专业人士的20岁参赛者, 被诊断为1型糖尿病。 Jordan Johnson, a 20-year-old contestant on BBC's MasterChef: The Professionals, has been diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Johnson参加演出时感到不舒服,并不知道他的状况。 Johnson participated in the show while feeling unwell and was unaware of his condition. 根据英国糖尿病调查,1型糖尿病影响到联合王国560万糖尿病患者中的8%左右。 Type 1 diabetes affects around 8% of the 5.6 million people with diabetes in the UK, according to Diabetes UK. 尽管面临各种挑战,约翰逊仍然决心继续他的烹饪生涯。 Despite the challenges, Johnson remains determined to pursue his culinary career.