46岁,我的厨房规则新西兰参赛者Michael Murray去世,原因不明。 46-year-old My Kitchen Rules New Zealand contestant Michael Murray passed away; cause unknown.
46岁 我的厨房规则 新西兰参赛者Michael Murray去世了 46-year-old My Kitchen Rules New Zealand contestant, Michael Murray, passed away. 在2024年的赛季,他和他的表弟Piki Knap竞争,分享了对烹饪的爱。 He competed in the 2024 season with his cousin Piki Knap, sharing a love for cooking. 穆雷来自Ngāti Maniapoto,也曾经在模特和演员方面工作,在墨西哥工作了12年. Murray, of Ngāti Maniapoto heritage, also had a background in modeling and acting, spending 12 years in Mexico working on telenovelas. 死因没有披露,家属正在哀悼损失。 The cause of death was not disclosed, and the family is mourning the loss.