调查揭露了50多起针对爱尔兰选举候选人的暴力和骚扰事件。 Investigation reveals over 50 incidents of violence and harassment against Irish election candidates.
一项联合调查发现,在最近爱尔兰大选竞选期间,有50多起出于政治动机的暴力、骚扰和虐待候选人的事件。 A joint investigation found over 50 incidents of politically motivated violence, harassment, and abuse against candidates during Ireland's recent general election campaign. 这些事件包括网上仇恨、人身攻击和财产损坏。 The incidents included online hate, physical assaults, and damage to property. 研究人员指出,候选人有针对虐待对手的趋势,包括“叛徒”等术语,并警告说,可能会有未报告的案例。 Researchers noted a trend of candidates targeting rivals with abuse, including terms like "traitors," and warned there could be unreported cases.