美军于10月28日在叙利亚中部发动空袭, US military conducted airstrikes in central Syria on Oct 28, killing up to 35 ISIS militants.
美军于10月28日在叙利亚中部发动空袭, The U.S. military conducted airstrikes in central Syria on October 28, killing up to 35 Islamic State militants. 在与伊拉克部队对伊拉克境内的伊斯兰国采取联合行动之后,这些袭击以多个营地和高级领导人为目标。 The strikes targeted multiple camps and senior leaders, following joint operations with Iraqi forces against ISIS in Iraq. 虽然五角大楼承认伊斯兰国仍然是一个威胁,但比十年前要弱得多。 While the Pentagon acknowledges that ISIS remains a threat, it is significantly weaker than a decade ago. 空袭的目的是破坏该团体计划袭击平民和美国部队的能力,没有关于平民伤亡的报告。 The airstrikes aim to disrupt the group's ability to plan attacks on civilians and U.S. forces, with no reported civilian casualties.