印度获得98M美元贷款,用于促进植物健康和园艺作物产量。 India secures $98M loan to boost plant health and crop yields in horticulture.
印度政府已与亚洲开发银行签订了一项9 800万美元的贷款协议,以改善园艺中的植物健康。 India's government has signed a $98 million loan deal with the Asian Development Bank to improve plant health in horticulture. 这些资金将帮助农民获得更好的种植材料,提高作物产量和抵御气候变化的能力。 The funds will help farmers access better planting materials, enhancing crop yields and resilience to climate change. 该项目由农业和农民福利部实施,旨在提高印度园艺部门的生产率和竞争力。 The project, implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare, aims to boost productivity and competitiveness in India's horticulture sector.