菲律宾寻求20多亿美元的外国贷款和赠款,以实现农业部门现代化。 The Philippines seeks over $2 billion in foreign loans and grants to modernize its agriculture sector.
菲律宾农业部的目标是在明年争取20多亿美元的外国贷款和赠款,以实现农业部门现代化。 The Department of Agriculture in the Philippines aims to secure over $2 billion in foreign loans and grants next year to modernize its agriculture sector. 关键项目包括世界银行用于改善基础设施的10亿美元贷款和亚洲开发银行为太阳能灌溉系统提供的2.5亿美元的贷款。 Key projects include a $1 billion World Bank loan for infrastructure improvements and a $250 million loan from the Asian Development Bank for solar irrigation systems. 此外,亚行将提供1.4亿美元的赠款,资助港口和灌溉项目,法国将提供3.5亿欧元的贷款,资助农场到市场的桥梁。 Additionally, a $140 million ADB grant will fund port and irrigation projects, and a €350 million loan from France will finance farm-to-market bridges. 这些资金旨在提高生产力和支持气候抗御能力。 These funds aim to enhance productivity and support climate resilience.