亚行批准了一笔8 500万美元的贷款,以帮助尼泊尔实现灌溉现代化和加强农业。 The ADB approved an $85 million loan to help Nepal modernize irrigation and enhance agriculture.
亚洲开发银行(亚行)已批准向尼泊尔提供8 500万美元的贷款,用于使其灌溉系统现代化和增加农业产量。 The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has approved an $85 million loan for Nepal to modernize its irrigation systems and boost agricultural output. 灌溉现代化改善项目将使五个省大约56 000个农户受益,覆盖面积超过31 000公顷。 The Irrigation Modernization Enhancement Project will benefit around 56,000 farm households across five provinces, covering over 31,000 hectares. 该项目的总费用为1.3364亿美元,由尼泊尔政府和农民提供捐款,同时正在通过共同供资寻求额外资金。 The project’s total cost is $133.64 million, with contributions from the Nepalese government and farmers, while additional funding is being sought through co-financing.