国际刑事法院驳回了蒙古要求逮捕普京的上诉,因为普京被指控驱逐乌克兰儿童。 The ICC rejects Mongolia's appeal request to arrest Putin for alleged deportation of Ukrainian children.
国际刑事法院(国际刑院)拒绝了蒙古的请求,即对其关于俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京9月访问期间没有逮捕他的裁决提出上诉。 The International Criminal Court (ICC) has denied Mongolia's request to appeal its decision on failing to arrest Russian President Vladimir Putin during his visit in September. 国际刑事法院对普京签发了逮捕令,指控他非法驱逐乌克兰儿童。 The ICC had issued an arrest warrant for Putin over alleged illegal deportation of Ukrainian children. 法院说,其决定不可上诉,而是将转交缔约国大会采取进一步行动。 The court stated that its decision was not subject to appeal and would instead be referred to the Assembly of States Parties for further action.