在Whinfell Forest的Central Parcs中心因安全事件撤离,详情未披露。 Center Parcs in Whinfell Forest evacuated due to a security incident, details undisclosed.
11月27日, Penrith附近Whinfell Forest的Parcs中心现场发生安全事件,导致全面疏散。 On November 27, a security incident prompted a full evacuation at the Center Parcs site in Whinfell Forest near Penrith. 一名Twitter影片显示警铃响起, 在公园的PA系统播出讯息后, 客人被疏散。 A Twitter video showed an alarm sounding and guests being evacuated after a message was broadcast over the park's PA system. 注意到该地区短暂停电,但安全事件的确切原因不明。 A brief power outage in the area was noted, but the exact cause of the security incident is undisclosed.