Hereford Leisure中心因匿名威胁后撤离;警察搜查区。 Hereford Leisure Centre evacuated following an anonymous threat; police searching area.
在向警方报告匿名威胁后,Hereford Leisure Centre被疏散。 Hereford Leisure Centre was evacuated after an anonymous threat was reported to the police. 西梅尔西亚警察建立了200米的警戒线,对该地区进行了彻底搜查。 West Mercia Police established a 200-meter cordon and conducted a thorough search of the area. 要求公众保持冷静,听从军官的建议。 The public was asked to stay calm and follow officers' advice. 目前正在评估这一威胁,并将在获得更多信息后提供进一步更新。 The threat is currently being assessed, and further updates will be provided as more information becomes available. 该中心希望很快重新开放,但暂时关闭了所有活动。 The center hopes to reopen soon but has temporarily closed all activities.