阿肯色州Beebe的当局在11月29日向K圈开枪时逮捕了一名嫌疑人。 Authorities in Beebe, Arkansas, arrested a suspect in a shooting at a Circle K on November 29.
阿肯色州Beebe当局逮捕了一名嫌犯, 涉嫌与11月29日对K圈的一夜枪击有关。 Authorities in Beebe, Arkansas, have arrested a suspect connected to an overnight shooting at a Circle K on November 29. 事件发生在凌晨3时16分左右,当时警官发现一名受害者身受枪伤,随后被送往医院。 The incident occurred around 3:16 a.m. when officers found a victim with a gunshot wound, who was then taken to the hospital. 嫌疑人的身份尚未公布,警方正在继续调查。 The suspect's identity has not been released, and the police are continuing their investigation.