康威、阿肯色州 警方调查除夕夜枪击案 一人受伤 Conway, Arkansas, police investigating New Year's Eve shooting; one person injured.
阿肯色州康威的警方正在调查新年前夕发生的枪击事件,造成一人无生命危险受伤。 Police in Conway, Arkansas, are investigating a shooting that occurred on New Year's Eve, leaving one person with non-life-threatening injuries. 枪击事件发生在希尔曼和南戴维斯街附近,受害者后来在马丁和戴维斯街附近被人看见。 The shooting took place near Hillman and South Davis streets, and the victim was later seen near Martin and Davis streets. 当局没有公布受害人的身份或任何可疑信息,并要求公众在继续调查期间避开这些地区。 Authorities have not released the victim's identity or any suspect information and are asking the public to avoid the areas while the investigation continues.