DeKalb县郡警署抓获了一名与当地多起枪击案有关的嫌犯。 DeKalb County Sheriff's Department captured a suspect tied to multiple local shootings.
DeKalb县警察局逮捕了一名与该地区多起枪击事件有关的嫌疑人。 DeKalb County Sheriff's Department apprehended a suspect linked to multiple shootings in the area. 这名男子是20多岁的黑人男子,最后一次看到他穿着蓝色牛仔裤和灰色衬衫。 The man, a Black male in his mid-20s, was last seen in blue jeans and a gray shirt. 当局先前警告公众不要接近他,因为他被认为是武装的和危险的。 Authorities previously warned the public not to approach him as he was considered armed and dangerous. 警方正在调查 搜查史密斯维尔贝尔街公寓的搜查证 The investigation is ongoing with the department seeking a search warrant for an apartment on Bell Street in Smithville.