2名印度宇航员完成了美国2025年空间站飞行任务的初步培训。 Two Indian astronauts finish initial U.S. training for 2025 space station mission.
印度宇航员小组舒班舒舒舒·舒克拉船长和普拉桑特·巴拉克里什南·奈尔船长小组已经完成了在美国为前往国际空间站的Axiom飞行任务4进行的第一阶段训练。 Indian astronauts Group Captain Shubhanshu Shukla and Group Captain Prasanth Balakrishnan Nair have completed the initial phase of their training in the U.S. for the Axiom Mission 4 to the International Space Station. 培训于8月开始,内容包括航天器熟悉情况、应急规程和微重力研究准备工作。 The training, which started in August, covered spacecraft familiarization, emergency protocols, and microgravity research preparation. 飞行任务预定不早于2025年4月,预计宇航员将花14天进行科学实验。 The mission is set for no earlier than April 2025, with the astronauts expected to spend 14 days conducting scientific experiments.