中国的沈州19号机组人员 准备在中国空间站 进行第一次太空行走 China's Shenzhou-19 crew prepares for their first spacewalks on the country's space station.
正如中国载人航天局所宣布的,中国空间站的沈州19号机组人员将在今后几天内进行首次太空行走或舱外活动。 The Shenzhou-19 crew on China's space station will conduct their first spacewalks, or extravehicular activities (EVAs), in the coming days, as announced by the China Manned Space Agency. 机组人员一直在准备维护空间站,进行健康检查,并练习太空服和紧急演习。 The crew has been preparing by maintaining the space station, conducting health checks, and practicing in space suits and emergency drills. 这标志着中国太空计划的重要一步。 This marks a significant step in China's space program.