印度发起了第一次空间演习,“Antariksha Abhyas - 2024”,重点是空间安全和技术。 India launches its first space exercise, "Antariksha Abhyas – 2024," focusing on space security and technology.
印度发动了有史以来第一次太空演习“Antariksha Abhyas - 2024”, 目的是保障国家在太空的战略利益。 India has launched its first-ever space exercise, "Antariksha Abhyas – 2024," aimed at securing the nation's strategic interests in space. 这次为期三天的活动从11月11日至13日,有军事人员和空间机构参加,目的是增进对天基资产的了解,查明脆弱性。 The three-day event, from November 11 to 13, involves military personnel and space agencies to enhance understanding of space-based assets and identify vulnerabilities. 国防参谋长Anil Chauhan将军强调了空间安全的重要性,并呼吁合作开发先进技术。 Chief of Defence Staff General Anil Chauhan emphasized the importance of space security and called for collaboration to develop advanced technologies.