中国第四宇航员小组,包括香港和澳门的专家,开始月球飞行任务培训。 China's fourth astronaut group, including specialists from Hong Kong and Macao, begins lunar mission training.
中国第四组宇航员,包括香港和澳门的专家,按照中国载人航天局的宣布,正在为即将到来的月球飞行任务提供培训。 China's fourth group of astronauts, including specialists from Hong Kong and Macao, is training for upcoming lunar missions, as announced by the China Manned Space Agency. 该组由8名飞行员和2名有效载荷专家组成,于8月开始培训,重点是航天器操作、月球巡航、适应失重和月球重力。 The cohort, comprising eight pilots and two payload specialists, began training in August, focusing on spacecraft operation, lunar rover driving, and adaptation to weightlessness and lunar gravity. 该方案包括体育培训、讲座和200多个主题,为今后访问做准备。 The program includes physical training, lectures, and over 200 subjects to prepare for future missions.