9个英国医院信托机构占等待治疗超过18个月的病人的一半以上。 Nine English hospital trusts account for over half of patients waiting over 18 months for treatment.
根据最近的数字,英格兰的9个医院信托机构负责照顾半数以上等待至少18个月的预先计划治疗的病人。 Nine hospital trusts in England are responsible for over half of patients waiting at least 18 months for pre-planned treatments, according to recent figures. 截至9月,有2 703名病人等了这么久,其中约21.4%的病人是苏塞克斯大学医院国家保健服务信托机构。 As of September, 2,703 patients had waited this long, with the University Hospitals Sussex NHS Trust accounting for about 21.4% of these cases. 尽管有人呼吁支持提高能力,但卫生和社会护理秘书仍计划点名和羞辱失败的医院。 Despite calls for support to boost capacity, the Health and Social Care Secretary plans to name and shame failing hospitals.