IDC报告显示,只有10%的企业准备好接受个性化客户经验,面临数据和竞争挑战。 IDC report reveals only 10% of businesses are ready for personalized customer experiences, facing data and competition challenges.
据IDC报告,只有10%的企业准备提供高度个性化的客户经验。 Only 10% of businesses are prepared to offer highly personalized customer experiences, according to an IDC report. 报告强调,与竞争者的产品相似是一项重大挑战,56%的企业在为个性化收集数据和管理方面挣扎。 The report highlights that product similarity with competitors is a major challenge, and 56% of businesses struggle with data collection and management for personalization. 企业必须转型为“经验型”公司,以加强个性化,同时确保数据隐私。 Businesses must transform into "experience-orchestrated" companies to enhance personalization while ensuring data privacy. 到2027年,预计亚洲公司将优先考虑个人化以保持竞争力。 By 2027, Asian companies are expected to prioritize personalization to stay competitive.