澳大利亚社区以守夜和活动纪念16天反对基于性别的暴力的积极性活动。 Australian communities mark 16 Days of Activism against gender-based violence with vigils and events.
澳大利亚各社区在11月25日至12月10日的16天反对性别暴力运动期间,正在举行烛光守夜和活动。 Communities across Australia are holding candlelight vigils and events during the 16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence, from November 25 to December 10. 这些活动旨在提高对性别和针对妇女和女童的性暴力的认识。 These events aim to raise awareness about gender and sexual violence against women and girls. 在Gunnedah,守夜活动包括朗读家庭暴力受害人的姓名,而Wollongong今年则张贴66朵玫瑰纪念死于暴力的妇女。 In Gunnedah, a vigil includes a reading of names of domestic violence victims, while Wollongong placed 66 roses to remember women killed by violence this year. 土著妇女面临的暴力比例高得不成比例,澳大利亚绿党提出了150亿美元的解决家庭、家庭暴力和性暴力的计划。 Indigenous women face disproportionately high rates of violence, and the Australian Greens have proposed a $15 billion plan to address family, domestic, and sexual violence. 阿尔巴内斯劳工政府投资40亿美元,用于113项打击暴力侵害妇女和儿童行为的举措。 The Albanese Labor Government has invested $4 billion in 113 initiatives to combat violence against women and children.