尽管遭到受害者家属和当地执法部门的反对,假释委员会还是批准了阿尔伯塔省农民罗杰·比洛多 (Roger Bilodeau) 在无人陪同下暂时缺席,他因过失杀人罪被判 10 年徒刑。 Parole Board grants unescorted temporary absences to Roger Bilodeau, Alberta farmer serving a 10-year manslaughter sentence, despite opposition from victims' families and local law enforcement.
加拿大假释委员会批准艾伯塔省农民罗杰·比洛多 (Roger Bilodeau) 在无人陪同的情况下暂时缺席,他的儿子杀死了两名梅蒂人猎人。 Parole Board of Canada grants unescorted temporary absences to Roger Bilodeau, Alberta farmer whose son killed two Métis hunters. 比洛多因过失杀人罪被判 10 年徒刑,目前正在服刑。 Bilodeau is serving a 10-year manslaughter sentence. 尽管遭到受害者家属和当地执法部门的强烈反对,但 UTA 仍被批准用于个人发展和家庭联系。 UTAs approved for personal development and family contact, despite strong opposition from victims' families and local law enforcement. 比洛多和受害者家属之间实施了禁止接触令。 No-contact order imposed between Bilodeau and victims' families.