假释委员会拒绝释放已定罪的杀人犯威廉·比克内尔 (William Bicknell),他于 2011 年越狱,原因是他有强迫症行为史以及对受害者的影响。 Parole board denies release for convicted murderer William Bicknell, who escaped in 2011, due to his history of obsessive behavior and impact on victims.
假释委员会拒绝释放已定罪的杀人犯威廉·比克内尔 (William Bicknell),他于 2011 年从艾伯塔省的一所最低安全级别的机构越狱。 Parole board denies release for convicted murderer William Bicknell, who escaped from a minimum-security institution in Alberta in 2011. 比克内尔因 2001 年谋杀案而被判无期徒刑,他表示悔恨,但由于他的强迫行为史和对受害者的影响(其中一名受害者患有创伤后应激障碍),他被拒绝假释。 Bicknell, already serving a life sentence for a 2001 murder, expressed remorse but was denied parole due to his history of obsessive behavior and his impact on victims, one of whom suffers PTSD. 董事会同意比克内尔案件管理团队的观点,即他对社区构成了重大风险。 The board agreed with Bicknell's case management team that he poses a significant risk to the community.