疾控中心报告,儿童感染性急性呼吸道感染和流感病例增加;高峰感染预期在年中。 CDC reports increase in RSV and flu cases among children; peak infections expected midwinter.
疾病防治中心报告说,尽管总体感染率仍然很低,但幼儿和季节性流感活动的RSV病例有所增加。 The CDC reports a rise in RSV cases among young children and seasonal flu activity, though overall infection rates remain low. 南佛罗里达大学公共卫生学院副教授Jill Roberts博士预测,感染将在午夜前后达到高峰。 Dr. Jill Roberts, an associate professor at the University of South Florida's College of Public Health, predicts infections will peak around midwinter. 疾控中心建议保持警惕,采取预防措施避免本季出现呼吸道病毒。 The CDC advises staying vigilant and taking precautions to avoid respiratory viruses this season.