前英国士兵因为伊朗从事间谍活动而被定罪,这标志着在间谍案件方面首例。 Former British soldier convicted of spying for Iran, marking a first in espionage cases.
一名身份仍不明的前英国士兵因为伊朗进行间谍活动而被定罪。 A former British soldier, whose identity remains undisclosed, has been convicted of spying for Iran. 此人曾于2009年越狱,被判向伊朗情报部门提供敏感情报。 The individual, who previously escaped from prison in 2009, was found guilty of providing sensitive information to Iranian intelligence. 本案标志着一名前英国士兵因代表伊朗从事间谍活动而首次被定罪,并突显了涉及外国政府的间谍活动的风险。 This case marks the first conviction of a former British soldier for spying on behalf of Iran and highlights the risks of espionage involving foreign governments.