前士兵丹尼尔·哈维因为伊朗做间谍和越狱而入狱14年。 Ex-soldier Daniel Khalife jailed for 14 years for spying for Iran and escaping prison.
前英国陆军士兵Daniel Khalif,23岁,因为伊朗进行间谍活动并逃离HMP Wandsworth而被监禁14年零3个月。 Former British Army soldier Daniel Khalife, 23, has been jailed for 14 years and three months for spying for Iran and escaping from HMP Wandsworth. 在英国军队服役的Khalife通过向伊朗特工提供敏感信息以换取现金,使军事人员受到伤害。 Khalife, who served in the British Army, exposed military personnel to harm by passing sensitive information to Iranian agents for cash. 2023年9月,他靠一辆运粮卡车逃脱监狱,几天后被抓获。 He escaped from prison in September 2023 by clinging to a food delivery truck and was caught days later. 法官将他描述为"危险傻瓜" 由想炫耀的欲望所驱使 The judge described him as a "dangerous fool" driven by a desire to show off.