中央情报局官员指控伊朗和以色列之间的间谍冲突不断升级, CIA official charged amid escalating espionage conflict between Iran and Israel, highlighting deep tensions.
伊朗和以色列之间的持续间谍冲突已经升级,一名中央情报局官员被指控泄露关于以色列袭击伊朗计划的美国情报。 The ongoing espionage conflict between Iran and Israel has escalated, with a CIA official charged for allegedly leaking US intelligence on Israeli plans to strike Iran. 最近,以色列逮捕了14名涉嫌为伊朗进行间谍活动的人,这突出表明伊朗努力在以色列境内建立间谍网络,特别是在少数民族之间。 Recently, Israel arrested 14 individuals suspected of spying for Iran, highlighting Iran's efforts to establish spy networks within Israel, particularly among minorities. 这一长达数十年之久的情报战争包括暗杀、破坏和假情报活动,反映了两国之间根深蒂固的紧张局势及其秘密行动的复杂性。 This decades-long intelligence war includes assassinations, sabotage, and disinformation campaigns, reflecting the deep-seated tensions between the two nations and the complexities of their covert operations.