德里批准重大政策改革,以促进贫民窟改造和负担得起的住房建设。 Delhi approves major policy changes to boost slum rehabilitation and affordable housing.
德里发展局(DDA)根据“Jahan Jhuggi Wahin Makaan”计划批准了对贫民窟改造政策的重大修改。 The Delhi Development Authority (DDA) has approved major changes to its slum rehabilitation policy under the "Jahan Jhuggi Wahin Makaan" scheme. 变化包括将2 000平方米以上的地块的最低面积比率提高到500,允许至少40%的面积供住宅使用,以及将5公里半径内的重新开发地点合并在一起。 Changes include increasing the Floor Area Ratio (FAR) to 500 for plots over 2,000 sqm, allowing at least 40% of the area for residential use, and combining redevelopment sites within a 5 km radius. 这些修改旨在增加经济适用住房,并将贫民窟居民纳入城市基础设施。 These modifications aim to boost affordable housing and integrate slum dwellers into urban infrastructure. 该提案现正等待住房和城市事务部最后批准。 The proposal now awaits final approval from the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs.